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来源:南宁外办   |   作者:本站   |   宣布时间:2020-03-17   |   浏览:17581



为严防境外疫情输入,凭据《中华人民共和国熏染病防治法》《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》,凭据国家、自治区有关新冠肺炎疫情防控事情的要求,结合南宁市实际,现将有关事项通告如下:一、对14天内自境外来邕返邕的中外人员,全部实施集中隔离医学视察,并开展核酸检测  ;核酸检测呈阳性或有发热、咳嗽等症状的入境人员,实时转送定点医疗机构检查。(一)对14天内自境外返邕的南宁市居民,凭据属地原则,统一安排在各县(区)、开发区指定隔离酒店,实施集中隔离医学视察14天。(二)对14天内自境外来邕返邕的境外人员,统一安排在市指定隔离酒店,实施集中隔离医学视察14天。(三)对14天内因商务、集会等入境来邕短期停留的境外人员,入住市指定隔离酒店,并接受核酸检测,在未有核酸检测结果之前,不得离开指定酒店。如核酸检测结果呈阴性,可由邀请单位凭据有关划定在做好疫情防控步伐的前提下开展公务运动。二、所有来邕返邕入境人员及其他口岸入境中转到邕人员应如实填报14天内境外旅行、居住史,主动向机场、趁魅站申报点报告个人真实情况,自觉配合属地疫情防控部分落实集中隔离医学视察、检验检疫等防控步伐。三、所有境外来邕返邕人员的家庭成员或亲属以及邀请、接待单位,必须提前48小时如实向所在村(社区)报告上述人员基本情况、抵邕航班、车次、运动轨迹等相关情况。四、各县(区)、开发区应落实主体责任,严格网格治理,增强对入境人员和流感人员的排查,推广使用“爱南宁健康码”、“广西健康码”,严格落实相应防控步伐。五、通常违反通告要求,迟报、漏报、瞒报、谎报、不报境外来邕返邕人员情况,造成严重结果的,将依法依规追究相应责任。境外来邕返邕人员不报告、拒不配合疫情防控步伐或故意隐瞒旅居史、相关病例接触史及病情情况,造成疫情扩散,波折熏染病防治,危害公共宁静的,将依法追究刑事责任。相关线索可通过南宁市0771-12345政府效劳热线或使用“邕易”微信小程序举报。六、本通告自2020年3月17日起实施。 



Notification of Enhancing the Prevention and Control of Imported COVID-19 Cases

Issued byCommanding Unit of Nanning LeadingGroup for COVID-19 Prevention and Control For thestrict prevention of imported COVID-19 cases, in accordance with the Lawof the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of InfectiousDiseasesLaw of the People's Republic of China on Response toEmergencies, and Regulations on Preparedness for and Response toEmergent Public Health Hazards, with the requirements of the COVID-19prevention and control effort of the national and provincial levels, andbased on the actual situation of Nanning, please be noted of the followings: 

1. Allpeople regardless of nationality coming or returning to Nanning from outsidemainland China in the past 14 days will be quarantined at designated sites formedical observation with nucleic acid testing. Anyone tested positive or havingsymptoms like fever and cough will be timely transferred to designated medicalinstitutions for further diagnosis. 

(1) Nanningcitizens returning to Nanning from outside mainland China in the past 14 dayswill be quarantined at designated hotels in respective counties, districts ordevelopment zones for a 14-day medical observation. 

(2) Foreignnationals, and residents of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan coming or returning toNanning from outside mainland China in the past 14 days will be quarantined atdesignated hotels for a 14-day medical observation

 (3) Visitorsfrom outside mainland China who have a short stay in Nanning for business,conference or other reasons will be arranged to stay at designated hotels andtake nucleic acid testing. Leaving the hotel is not allowed before the testresult comes out. Visitors tested negative can leave for business and theinviting organization should be responsible for the epidemic prevention andcontrol work in accordance with relevant regulations.

2. All people coming or returning to Nanning directly from outsidemainland China, and via other ports of entry in other parts of mainland China,shall report their travel and residential history in the past 14 days as wellas personal information to the staff at designated report counters upon arrivalat the airport/train station/bus station. Please cooperate with localauthorities of epidemic prevention and control to implement quarantine, medicalobservation, testing and other epidemic prevention and control measures. 

3. Family members/relatives and inviting/host organizations ofpeople coming or returning to Nanning from outside mainland China must reportto their villages/communities about the basic information, flight/train/busnumber, personal whereabouts and other necessary details 48 hours before their arrivalsin Nanning.

 4. Allcounties, districts and development zones should bear their responsibilitiesfor the strict epidemic prevention and control by doubling screening effort ofthe people entering Nanning from outside mainland China, enhancing gridmanagement in the communities, and promoting the use of “iNanning Health QRCode” and “Guangxi Health QR Code”.

5. Anyone who disobeys the requirements listed in this notification byfailing to report, underreporting, belatedly reporting, reporting false informationof the persons coming from outside mainland China or concealing the fact, andthus resulting in serious consequences, will be held accountable pursuant torelevant laws and regulations. Anyone coming from outside mainland China whodoes not report personal information, refuses to cooperate with the staff ofepidemic prevention and control, conceals travel and residential history, thehistory of contacting with COVID-19 cases and illness, and thus causing thespread of epidemic, hampering prevention and control effort, and posing athreat to public security, will be held criminally accountable. 

You are welcome to call the NanningGovernment Hotline: 0771-12345 or access the Mini Program “Yongyi” on yourWeChat App if you have any clue about the above-mentioned violations. 

6. This notification becomes effective on March 17, 2020. 

March 16, 2020




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